Understanding Drug Charges in New Jersey
Drug charges are one of the most common criminal charges in the legal system. The laws around the possession of drugs are strict, meaning you can face felony charges or even jail time for a small amount of a controlled substance. If you are charged with drug possession, you may have a few options available.
Your Options for Fighting a Drug Possession Charge in East Windsor
Having possession of a controlled substance carries severe consequences. The courts tend to be strict when it comes to drug charges. However, there are a few options available for fighting a drug possession charge.
Persistent Defense Tactics
Because drug possession charges are so common, prosecutors often have hundreds, if not thousands, of cases at one time. When you hire legal representation that gives your case the attention it deserves, they are more likely to reduce the sentence or drop the case altogether. Hiring a lawyer who is familiar with the process also requires them to provide information and documents that they might not have access to, forcing the charges to be dropped.
Rehabilitation Program
Some states, including the state of New Jersey, recognize the complexities of drugs. They understand that some crimes are committed out of a lack of knowledge for the laws or an addiction to a controlled substance. They also understand the challenges that a felony charge could place on a teen, young adult, or first-time offender.
Bill A-2598/S-2588 is a legislation that acts as a diversionary program for those with minor drug offenses in the state of New Jersey. Instead of felony charges, the person charged with drug possession will receive:
- One year of probation
- Restitution fines and assessments
- A plea of guilty
- Guilt entered into the system
After the successful completion of this program, the charges will be dropped. However, admission into this program requires that it is a first-time offense and that the defendant has a clean record otherwise.
Evaluation of the Case Details
Because many prosecutors are overworked, this often leads to defendants being charged with minimal evidence. A full evaluation of your case may reveal that there were mistakes in the way the evidence was retrieved. Other potential defenses might be that the controlled substance was not actually in your possession or that the substance was not actually a drug.
Pretrial Intervention
The pretrial intervention program is similar to the rehabilitation program. This program, however, focuses on rehab for first-time offenders with a minimal amount in possession. If a defendant is accepted into the program, then they are expected to complete counseling, education, and training. This is in an attempt to reduce further crime and to offer the individual guidance. The program may run from one to three years.
Upon the completion of the program, all charges are dropped.
You Have Options Available
If you were recently charged with drug possession, it is important that you take action as soon as possible. Hiring the right legal team to represent you can mean the difference between jail time versus reduced charges. The Scardella Law Firm LLC are here to help you navigate your options following a drug possession charge.
Contact an Experienced West Windsor Drug Defense Attorney About Your Possession Drug Crime Charges in New Jersey
Have you been charged with a drug crime in New Jersey? A drug crime conviction can carry with it heavy fines, jail time, and driver’s license suspension! That is why it is imperative that you speak with a qualified drug defense lawyer about your case. The Scardella Law Firm LLC represent clients charged with use, possession, production, distribution, and related drug offenses in Hamilton, Princeton, West Windsor, Hopewell, and throughout New Jersey. Call 609-372-5285 or fill out our confidential online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office located at 2653 Nottingham Way, Hamilton, NJ 08619.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.