Anyone caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol faces significant consequences. The stakes are high for any driver, but they are exponentially higher for individuals who hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). When operated by someone who is intoxicated, large vehicles and dangerous cargo present a serious risk. Understanding the legal landscape can […]
New Jersey Assault by Auto: What You Need to Know
If you’re here, it’s likely because you want to know how New Jersey law handles situations where someone is accused of injuring another person using an automobile. This is formally known as “assault by auto,” and it’s a serious issue. In New Jersey, the legal consequences can vary depending on the details of what happened. […]
Diversionary Programs in NJ: A Second Chance for Non-Violent Offenders
In the criminal justice system, there is a growing recognition of the importance of providing second chances to non-violent offenders. Recognizing that not all individuals who commit offenses should be treated the same, New Jersey has implemented various diversionary programs aimed at rehabilitating offenders and reducing recidivism rates. In this article, we will explore the […]
What’s the Difference Between a Bench Warrant and an Arrest Warrant?
The legal system can be complicated and hard to understand, and even small mistakes can lead to arrest warrants. However, not all warrants are created equal. Actually, there are two different kinds of warrants that you may encounter: bench warrants and arrest warrants. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between them. When […]
How Will Conviction of a Sex Crime Affect Me in NJ?
Sex crimes are some of the most serious offenses that a person can be charged with. These crimes can range from sexual assault to child pornography, and if you are convicted, the consequences can be severe and long-lasting. They can affect every part of your life. In New Jersey, sex crimes are prosecuted aggressively, and […]